Contact us.

We love software and the opportunities it offers our customers and users. But we also know that technology is nothing without people. That's why we are here every day, ready to help you with any questions you might have.

Phone: +45 70 25 87 41

Opening hours:
Monday - friday:  6:00 - 17:00
Weekends + holidays:  10:00 - 16:00

You can reach us on the phone, in the chat or by e-mail every weekday from 06.00-17.00 and from 12:00-16:00 in weekends.

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Temply is your solution when you need the best temps. We use technology to create meaningful relationships and a good work ethic. You control who to hire for your specific job while we take care of the paperwork and ensure proper terms. Easy, simple and digital!


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